


Mongolian throat singing fuses with the melodies of enchanting folk to create a sound that is a masterpiece of world music. Embodying the spirit of a thousand generations, the textural soundscape of Equus is a bewitching blend of traditional Mongolian folk, ethereal lullaby and uplifting rhythms. The phenomenal four-piece reimagine instruments like the morin khuur horsehead fiddle, the Turkish saz, and the double bass to provide a rich contemporary setting for the extraordinary craft of Mongolian
throat singing master Bukhu Ganburged. Succeeding in creating a sound that is familiar and altogether new, Equus are an evocative and otherworldly experience.


Artist Workshop

Embark on a musical odyssey with Equus as the world-renowned Mongolian throat singer and Morin Khuur master, Bukhu, guides you through the rich tapestry of Mongolian music. Dive into the art of "Khuumi," the unique throat singing technique. Bring your singing voice, as participants explore Khuumi basics through Mongolian Melodies.

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